"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction"

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Favorite Artist

Alanis Morisette

October 2005

Favorite Lyric

"The only way out is through, the faster we're in the better. The only way out is through ultimately. The only way out is through, the only way we'll feel better." Alanis Morisette - So-Called Chaos album

100 Things to Know About Me

UPDATED - Feb. 4, 2007!!This is a list I've put together that tries to describe what makes me, well, ME!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

  1. I can see right through fake people.
  2. Most people think I am intimidating.
  3. I don't apologize for being a strong female.
  4. My strong personality scares most.
  5. Weak women annoy me.
  6. My husband is my best friend.
  7. My sisters are my next best friends in the world.
  8. I absolutely love kitty kats.
  9. I spelled "kitty kats" wrong on purpose.
  10. My sisters cat is named Preshus.
  11. I was the one who originally spelled "Preshus" wrong on purpose.
  12. Her email address uses the misspelled name in it.
  13. I absolutely can't stand dogs.
  14. When I was little, I used to pout when I didn't get my way.
  15. I still pout when I don't get my way.
  16. In my husbands airplane, he is the captain. In my house, I am the captain.
  17. I love watching the sunset off the dock at my dad's house in Florida.
  18. One of my favorite things to do when I'm in visiting dad in Florida, is to go boating.
  19. Boating is very relaxing for me.
  20. One of my cell phones lives at the bottom of the river at the Green Flash on Captiva Island, FL.
  21. Whenever we boat to that restaurant, whoever is on the boat always makes a ringing sound when we arrive.
  22. They will never let me forget that I dropped my cell phone there.
  23. I love living near the water.
  24. That is probably why we still live in Ohio and not back in D.C.
  25. People in the Cleveland area have no idea what bad traffic is.
  26. All three of my kids were potty trained before they were two.
  27. I can't stand day care kids.
  28. I put my dreams on hold so my kids wouldn't be day care kids.
  29. I have my Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
  30. I really don't want to go back into Nursing when my kids are raised.
  31. I want to go RVing around the country with my husband.
  32. I love to play in the leaves with my kids.
  33. I can't stand football.
  34. I really have learned to love baseball.
  35. I stay away from one-way relationships.
  36. If I had to do it over again, I would have waited to get married.
  37. I believe that whatever doesn't kill us, will only make us stronger.
  38. I've had enough awful experiences to last a lifetime.
  39. Those awful experiences have shaped who I am.
  40. I hate it when my cats run up and down the hallway at night making it sound like an intruder.
  41. I can only hear so many times that the Lord will give us only what we can handle - He gives me WAY to much credit.
  42. No matter how distorted my childhood was, I saw my dad as the strongest man alive.
  43. It sucks that he has a cancer that will take him before I'm done with him.
  44. Usually the light at the end of my tunnel is an oncoming train.
  45. I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.
  46. Shoot me if I ever become a doormat.
  47. I don't like being called "Jennifer".
  48. When I was younger, being called "Jennifer" meant that I was in trouble.
  49. There are only two people in this world that can call me "Jenny" and get away with it - my life long friend Barbie and my Granny.
  50. I like sitting by the fireplace and watching the fire burn.
  51. I liked watching things burn when I was little.
  52. You could probably label me a pyromaniac.
  53. The first snowfall of each winter season is very special to me.
  54. Whenever that first snowfall occurs, I always play Micheal W. Smith's "First Snowfall".
  55. I've been doing that since I was in college.
  56. When I was in college, I kept a kitten in my room against dorm policy.
  57. I got caught and the kitty had to be in foster care until I could bring it home.
  58. I brought it home to my mom's with promises of taking it with me when I graduated.
  59. That kitty is now 13 years old and still lives with my mom.
  60. His original name is Munchie - named after a restaurant in Little Rock, AR where I got him.
  61. He is rarely called Munchie now - he likes Who Bear or Hooster or Rooster or Munchie Roo Bear.
  62. He doesn't even like me anymore - he prefers my brother - in - law.
  63. Did I mention that I'm not a dog person?
  64. Munchie just passed away this year.
  65. I can't stand Pennsylvania.
  66. I now live in the state of Pennsylvania.
  67. I call the state where I live Pencil Tucky or Pencil Yuckey.
  68. Most people here live in the 80's.
  69. I left the 80's about 25 years ago.
  70. My husband loves the 80's, especially the music.
  71. I won't let my husband dress like he lives in the 80's - no more tapered leg jeans.
  72. REFERRING TO #33 - I let my son play football this season.
  73. I still can't stand football.
  74. But I love watching my son get dressed up in all that football gear - he looks so darn cute.
  75. Unfortunately, I have learned a little bit about football. And I really mean a little bit - it's football for dummies.
  76. I hate the Yankees.
  77. I think Derek Jeter is a stuck up prick.
  78. I started hating the Yankees when Paul O'Neill played for them - I thought he threw WAY to many temper tantrums on the field.
  79. My kids each threw one temper tantrum and never did it again.
  80. Some silly psychologist said that you should get down on the floor and throw temper tantrums with your children to help them express themselves. I don't think so. How about tell them there is a better way to express themselves and if they do it again, they're gonna get smacked.
  81. I totally believe in spanking.
  82. I was spanked when I was little and yes, I turned out to be a violent person because of it. Not.
  83. I always watch a movie and hang out with Char during the Super Bowl.
  84. I still can't stand football but put up with it for my son's sake.
  85. I love gymnastics.
  86. I take a gymnastics class for adults once a week.
  87. Gymnastics kept me out of trouble when I was a teenager.
  88. My daughter is becoming a very strong gymnast and I love watching her progress.
  89. My mom hated the fact that I was in gymnastics.
  90. I don't think she realizes how important it was to me when I was growing up.
  91. She still hates gymnastics and often chastises me for putting me daughter in it.
  92. I don't care what she thinks, my daughter loves it like I loved it.
  93. My dad bought me a loft bed when I was 10 years old.
  94. I slept in that bed until the day before I got married.
  95. My mom hated that bed because it was a symbol of my relationship with my dad.
  96. That bed has been sitting in my mom's garage for the last decade.
  97. I just removed it from my mom's garage and brought it back to my house.
  98. My mom was very happy to be rid of it.
  99. My mom and I have had a very rocky relationship.
  100. My relationship with my mom has dramatically improved since I don't live under her roof anymore.

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